Knowing to well that this thing we call Anxiety, Stress, Overwhelming feelings, pulling your hair out syndrome. Whatever you wanted to call it, it can definitely put a damper on your everyday, weekly, yearly plans for some people.
These symptoms are not to be taken lightly, as a matter a fact, there is wide spread evidence on NOT only can a personalized diet, essentials oils and clearing out that noggin and replacing it with emotionally bound thoughts will bring you to place of inspiration. Sounds like a load of *YOU KNOW WHAT !!
Well of course there is a little truth in everything. I remember the time when my Grandma (if she were here she would probably throw something at me because I was talking about her). Anyways, there I was minding my own business with my wife about 14 years ago. She says to us in Spanish "Do you know what is great for soar breasts?"
YES..She is that spontaneous when it comes to starting conversations!
If you really must know...
You can use some good old grass-fed butter and some cabbage leaves. Place the butter on the surrounding areas and cover with the cabbage. Wait until the cabbage dries up and replace. It actually does work.
You are probably not going to like what I am about to tell you but anxiety and stress doesn't just come from one source. It is the cumulative efforts of our autonomic nervous system. Yes our own bodies are fighting to stay stress-free..However most people operate in the Fight or Flight mode.
What is the Autonomic Nervous System?
According to Wikipedia (Yes, I know it is not a credible source..but come on now..they should get the definition correct.)
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a division of the peripheral nervous system that supplies smooth muscle and glands, and thus influences the function of internal organs. The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal. Bada Bing - Bada Boom (wiki link)

The autonomic nervous system has two branches: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is often considered the "fight or flight" system, while the parasympathetic nervous system is often considered the "rest and digest or relaxation response" Hint: This is where you want to be...
This combination of reactions to stress is also known as the "fight-or-flight" response because it evolved as a survival mechanism, enabling people and other mammals to react quickly to life-threatening situations. (Harvard Health)
In an almost near-instantaneous sequence of hormonal changes and physiological responses helps someone to fight the threat off or flee to safety. Our bodies are so amazing to understand what it needs to do to survive. Even when the kids are driving you up the wall and your car payment is late. (Real life...right?)
Unfortunately, the body can also overreact to stressors that are not life-threatening, such as traffic jams, work pressure, and family difficulties.
AHHH..Traffic Jams are stressing me out!! #EssentialOilsToTheResuce
Natural and essential oils make up a huge part in history. Different cultures have used these oils at different time in a diverse number of ways. These oils have also been used for preservation of dead bodies. The process of aromatherapy also includes the use of these essential oils. A French surgeon Jean Valnet discovered that these essential oils could be used to treat soldiers fighting in World War II. Such things are mostly discovered when medications were limited.
Nature is the source of essential oils as these are extracted from leaves, barks, flowers or the roots of plants. If the essential oils are used in their pure form and not contaminated by additives or chemicals, they can be very effective in treating disorders like anxiety.
Anxiety is a body’s natural reaction to stress. Sometimes this reaction can be positive and can motivate you to do good things but at times stress and anxiety can lead to disorders. When nervousness increases and becomes difficult to control, this state is called anxiety disorder. There are many factors that can cause anxiety. But one of the best to most effective way to treat anxiety is using essential oils.
Here is a list of the best oils to use for those times you feel like the post image:

For those that are visually stimulated. (lol)
Remember to PIN IT
1. Lavender
Lavender oil is the most common essential oil with a number of benefits. Using lavender oil gives a relaxing and calming effect to the body. It has this amazing calming effect for the nervous system and provides inner peace (Seriously..who doesn't need some peace in our own lives. With 5 kids..I can use all the peace I can get) helps with restlessness and sleep, prevents from that shaky anxious feelings and general nervous tension. Inhaling of lavender oil can help in reduce those stress hormones (cortisol the big one) and also this oil is the most effective in calming people during distress (grief or life trauma). Lavender oil has been proven to be very effective in lowering those scary feelings in post surgery patients and also in patients visiting dentists. (Fear is just another form of those anxious feelings)
2. Rose
Rose is the second most popular essential oil after lavender. (This oils is a very precious oil and there are only a handful of companies that can produce a quality rose oil - it might cost you a pretty penny, but every drop is worth it). It helps reduce the emotions behind a hurt heart, a rough type of life (those that leave scars). There are so many other medicinal benefits to this oils..some of these benefits out weigh the cost of it. These benefits include the support of anxious emotions, those that have ultra lows in their lives and mind fog. Using rose as an aromatic and also within a footpath for women that are about to give birth, it will bring a sense of calm before the main event.
3. Vetiver
Vetiver oil is used in helping with calmness, self-awareness and balance. My household can honestly say..WE CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT VETIVER. This oils is what allows us to stay sane in this household of 5 kids, we all need to have as much focus, sleep and balance as we can get. The oil has a calming and reassuring energy that can be used topically or aromatically for the nervous system to stay at bay. The oil reduces that constant brain chatter, helps you focus and sleep through the night as well and can prevent the body from having so much stress that we end up breaking or giving up. Do yourself a favor and get some Vetiver.
4. Ylang Ylang
Ylang Ylang Oil can help treat anxiety disorders due to its heartening and calming effects. It helps with nerve, cheerfulness, confidence and eases fearfulness. The oil can also be effective in treating heart distress and nervous tremors as it is a strong sedative. Ylang Ylang oil can help with insomnia as well. This oil must be avoided in low blood pressure conditions and can be irritating to the skin as well.
5. Bergamot
Bergamot is extracted from Earl grey tea and has a unique floral scent and taste. This calming oil is used to treat anxiety and depression. It helps with insomnia as well. Bergamot can increase the risk of rash and sunburns but it is normally safe to use.
6. Chamomile
Chamomile has a peaceful and relaxing aroma. The oil provides inner peace and decrease anxiety, stress and overthinking. The oil is proven to provide a meaningful antidepressant function. The chamomile capsules help to ease anxiety symptoms. The usage of this oil is safe except that it may have a small risk of allergy especially for those who have an allergy to ragweed.
7. Frankincense
Frankincense is one of the best essential oils that help in providing relief from anxiety and depression. The oil provides a relaxing and calming energy as well as spiritual grounding. Using the oil in aromatherapy helps relax the mind and deepen introspection. Frankincense, lavender and bergamot oils mixed together have proven to have a positive effect on anxiety and depression in patients of terminal cancer.
So...How do I use these essential oils? You ask
Aromatic or Diffusing it in the Air
In the process of aromatherapy, the scent of the essential oils is inhaled letting the molecules and stimulants enter the nasal openings and enter the limbic system of the brain. These stimulants control and reduce stress levels and calm responses like heart rate, blood pressure, breathing patterns and production of hormones.
Oral Application
Essentials oils can be consumed by the mouth but it is important to make sure that the oils being used a pure and not diluted with chemicals. Oral applications preferences include cooking, making tea, adding a drop in a beverage or using capsules.
Topical Application
Many prefer this method as the process includes placing the essential oil on the skin, mouth, hair, nails and teeth. The oil easily penetrates the body when applied.