What is an Essential Oil ?
Class is in Session - Essential Oil 101
Seriously...What is an essential oil? Most people taste them everyday and don't even know that they did. It's like a secret ingredient in our foods, perfumes and even those scratch and sniffs. Makes sense right ?
However, One MAJOR thing that most people have NO CLUE about is that those essential oils have NO therapeutic or Medicinal Purpose. Most manufacturers will use the lowest synthetic grade oil possible (They don't care about any adverse reactions.)
There are amazing essential oils out there in the Wild that can be the best thing that will happen to you..(Better then slice bread). (For those that have used the the top of the line essential oils before..know that they have magical powers that turn an unexpected parent into...Wait for it.. Dr. Mom and Dr. Dad)
You just have to learn what to look for?, how they are made? and where they are sourced from?
*Note: For those that don't yet..You will surely find out soon. READ ON MY Fellow Oil Ninja.
What really is an Essential Oil?
Essential oils are extracted directly from the bark, flower, fruit, leaf, seed or root of a plant or tree and just one drop can have powerful health benefits.
Essential oils are typically created through the process of distillation that separates the oil and water-based compounds of a plant by steaming.
Essential oils are highly concentrated oils that have a strong aroma. By concentrating the oils of these plants you are literally extracting some of the most powerful compounds of a plant into a single oil. For instance, in order to get one pound of lavender essential oil, it takes 150 pounds of lavender flowers!
Where the heck did Essential Oils come from ?
A Brief History...There's even Egyptians in it.
A long, long, long time ago in a farm far far away...Yes, farms like "House in the Prairie" Farm. Actually we may have to go back even further then that. How about back to 3500 B.C. when the Egyptians were in power.
See I told you there would be Egyptians. Aromatic plant and the oils it produces are a vital component of ancient culture that dates back to nearly the beginning of time. How do you think we got all our modern medicine? (Don't get me started on conspiracy theories)
Holy Smokes - Did you know ?
According to the one of the oldest medical documents - The Ebers Papyrus. Yes I read hieroglyphics.
"One recipe that was to help headaches called for "inner-of-onion, fruit-of-the-am-tree, natron, setseft-seeds, bone-of-the-sword-fish, cooked, redfish, cooked, skull-of-crayfish, cooked, honey, and abra-ointment." Sounds Yummy!
Some of the recommended treatments made use of cannabis and incense. Hmmm..Where have I heard that idea from again?
"Egyptian medicinal use of plants in antiquity is known to be extensive, with some 160 distinct plant products..."
Natural and essential oils make up a huge part in history. Different cultures have used these oils at different time in a diverse number of ways. These oils have also been used for preservation of dead bodies. (Don't try this at home)
The process of aromatherapy also includes the use of these essential oils.
French Chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse (Wow that is a mouthful) first coined it in 1937. However, he found it by accident in 1910 when we burned his hand and found relief from the first salve he can get to in his lab. Lavender Essential Oil.
In 1920 French surgeon Jean Valnet also discovered that these essential oils could be used to treat soldiers fighting in World War II. Such things are mostly discovered when medications were limited. You got to remember that they had very little medical attention during the vast part of the war..So they had to do anything they could to help these soldiers. Essential oils are born...(Doing the happy dance now)
Quick History Review - For those that like skipping ahead. (*wink)

King Tut's Tomb was found with 350 liters of essential oils in alabaster jars. One of oldest medical document Ebers Papyrus 1550 BC quote essential oils for there therapeutic super powers.
The Bible has approximate 264 references to oils and the use of 33 different oils. Frankincense of course being TOP of mind for most people. It was once referenced as more expensive then gold.
French Chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse (Wow that is a mouthful) first coined it in 1937. However, he found it by accident in 1910 when we burned his hand and found relief from the first salve he can get to in his lab. Lavender Essential Oil